SP2/0 HCP ELISA Kit, 2G (F1030)

Item Number Unit Size Price Qty
F1030 1 kit


The SP2/0 HCP ELISA Kit, 2G is a simple-to-use, objective, and semi-quantitative ELISA kit  intended for use in determining the presence of host cell protein impurities in products manufactured by expression in SP2/0 cells. 

The antibodies used in this 2nd generation SP2/0 HCP ELISA Kit, F1030, have been raised against and affinity purified using HCP recovered from culture of SP2/0 null cells in a protein-additive-free media. The antibodies were characterized by Antibody Affinity Extraction (AAE) and Mass Spectrometry, demonstrating 83% coverage to HCPs in SP2/0 null culture. This kit has LOD ~0.4 ng/ml and LLOQ ~3ng/ml. It was qualified for testing of final product HCPs by using actual in-process and final drug substance samples. Each user of this kit is encouraged to perform a similar qualification study to demonstrate it meets their analytical needs. 

This kit will be replacing Cygnus SP2/0 HCP ELISA Kit, Item # F180. 

Product Information

Product Type:
2°C to 8°C
Target Expression System:
Species Group:
Assay format:
96 Well Plate
Time to result:
~2 hrs. 50 min
~0.4 ng/mL
~3 ng/mL
Recommended Diluent:

Product Insert

Product FAQs

  • Can the ELISA Protocol in the Product Insert be Modified?
  • How do I Maintain Quality Control of ELISA?
  • What About Automation of Immunoassays?
  • What is the Storage and Stability of ELISA Kits?
  • What Issues to Consider When Diluting Samples?
  • Why Perform Dual Wavelength Analysis?
  • Calibration of HCP assays