The MockV® RVLP qPCR Kit (M105) provides additional qPCR reagents for RT-qPCR analysis of RVLP. These reagents are the same as those provided in the MockV® RVLP Kit (M230). Each MockV® RVLP qPCR Kit includes sufficient amount of qPCR reagents along with a vial of well-controlled RNA standard for accurate and reliable RVLP quantification in a 96-well qPCR plate. When used in conjunction with the MockV® RVLP Kit (M230) or RVLP stock solution (M231-1) and MockV® RNA Extraction Kit (M100), scientists can detect as little as 1 x 103 RVLP/mL, enabling an LRV of ~ 5.0 to be determined. A real-time qPCR instrument is required.