Pichia pastoris 2nd Generation HCP ELISA Kit (F640)

Item Number Unit Size Qty
F640 1 kit


Important Change Notification Memo: P. pastoris 2G HCP ELISA Kit

New P. pastoris 3G HCP ELISA Kit, Item Number F1015 now available

Our original Pichia pastoris HCP ELISA Kit (F140) has broad reactivity to peptide epitopes and a small population of antibodies that recognize Pichia glycosylation epitopes. In cases where the recombinant protein product is also glycosylated, there is potential for some cross-reactivity that can result in either an over-estimation of true HCP or indeterminate HCP concentrations, due to the lack of sample dilution linearity. The antibody used in this kit is the same polyclonal antibody that is used in the original kit, except that it has been subjected to an additional affinity absorption step to remove antibodies to glycosylation epitopes and is more specific than the first-generation Pichia pastoris Kit (F140). Please use Sample Diluent, Item No. I028, with these kits; available separately.

Product Information

Product Type:
All kit reagents 2°C to 8°C
Target Expression System:
P. pastoris
Species Group:
P. pastoris
Assay format:
96 Well Plate
Time to result:
~3 hrs. 50 min
~0.1 ng/mL
~0.5 ng/mL
Recommended Diluent:

Product FAQs

  • Can the ELISA Protocol in the Product Insert be Modified?
  • How do I Maintain Quality Control of ELISA?
  • What About Automation of Immunoassays?
  • What is the Storage and Stability of ELISA Kits?
  • What Issues to Consider When Diluting Samples?
  • Why Perform Dual Wavelength Analysis?
  • Calibration of HCP assays