Protein A-H ELISA Kit (Human IgG) (F050H)

Item Number Unit Size Price Qty
F050H 1 kit


This kit is preferred over the Protein A ELISA Kit (F050). When the product antibody is human or otherwise shows interference in the detection of Protein A, this kit utilizes a sample treatment step involving acid dissociation and heat denaturation to overcome any interference from product immunoglobulin. The LOD is 100 pg/ml.Since this kit has been released, two newer Protein A assays known as Mix-N-Go™ methods have been developed. These new methods eliminate the sample boiling and centrifugation steps. Instead, a special sample treatment reagent is used that allows for accurate detection of Protein A in the presence of your sample antibody. The Protein A Mix-N-Go™ kit (F600) uses standards calibrated against natural and conserved recombinant forms of Protein A. The Protein A Mix-N-Go™ kit (F610) uses standards calibrated to unnatural constructs of Protein A such as GE Healthcare's MabSelect SuRe™. Please use Sample Diluent, Item No. I028, with these kits; available separately.

Product Information

Product Type:
All kit reagents 2°C to 8°C
Assay format:
96 Well Plate
Time to result:
~3 hrs. 20 min
100 pg/mL
~200 pg/mL
Recommended Diluent:

Product Insert

Kit Components

Sample Denaturing Buffer
Polyclonal Anti-Protein A Coated Microtiter Strips
Streptavidin: Alkaline Phosphate

Product FAQs

  • Can the ELISA Protocol in the Product Insert be Modified?
  • How do I Maintain Quality Control of ELISA?
  • What About Automation of Immunoassays?
  • What is the Storage and Stability of ELISA Kits?
  • What Issues to Consider When Diluting Samples?
  • Why Perform Dual Wavelength Analysis?
  • Which Cygnus Protein A ELISA kit to use: F050H, F400, F400Z, F600 or F610?